Saturday, January 9, 2010


Hi We the People, welcome to day two of lets Impeach Obama!! I found and promptly joined the Independence Caucus today. I'm very excited about it and want to see it voted on right after the Nov. elections. Their basic plan is to put the Government on a fixed budget, to be used for Government services only, not on earmarks of special interest groups. The next idea in this plan is changing our tax system to a National Sales Tax only, no income tax, no capital gains tax etc. Since the IRS doesn't have to worry about our income, now their new job will be auditing the Government to be sure they are following the fixed budget properly! I love it! Please go to and join!!
This plan just like my plan of Impeaching Obama means we have to elect the right represenatives that will vote for such a great bill. In order for the Independence Caucus, as they are calling it, to work, we must first Impeach Obama or he will just Veto the budget/tax bill.
Remember to Impeach a President they just have to be accused of unlawful activities not indicted, the second vote would determine conviction, or failure to convict.
We the people must first set our sites on the November elections and get bad incumbents out!! We can learn about all those running at a great site I found the, Abigail Adams Project, this site is going to inform us of all the details of the candidates that are going to be running from each state. Then once we elect the good representatives We the People will write them consitantly about the unlawful activities of Obama and the need to Impeach. When we get enough people behind us they will listen, and hopefully even do it!
Once Obama is Impeached and we get a good President in office a bill like that proposed by the Independence Caucus can pass!! Keep up the fight most of all pray for those good representatives to be elected! Tea Party On.

Friday, January 8, 2010


Hi I'm Sharon I've always liked Politics, but have never felt so passionate until now. I have been to our local tea party and town hall meeting. I have decided to stop listening and act! I feel that if "We the People" unite we can stop the damage being done to America. Our freedoms have been eroding for years.
I believe that we can turn this around in November. We need to elect Senators that will stand with us and Impeach Obama. It not just a right we have as the people it has now become necessary to save America. The United States Government has forgotten how basic Government was meant to be, as originally setup in the constitution. The Government is only suppose to protect us from foreign attack, and basic laws were set up like, thou shalt not kill. That is about it! Why does each newly elected Senate think they need to write bills, and amendments, and add more regulation? We are not going to tolerate anymore regulation!
Obama needs to be impeached because we can't afford him. In order to impeach a President he must be accused of unlawful activity, and then we need a majority vote in the House of representatives. The unlawful activity is not a problem, I consider it unlawful to rule against the constitution, which is exactly what the Health Care bill does. The Health Care bill imposes new taxes that we don't want, and requires the people to pay for a Health Care plan, which is unconstitutional. I consider it unlawful activity to continue to print money that has no backing, this is embezeling from the American tax payer. The appointment of regulatory Czars are unconstitutional and therefore illegal activity. Spending money on a stimulus plan that WE THE PEOPLE don't want, and especially is not working is unconstitutional. Hundreds of thousands of dollars of stimulus job creation money has gone to zip codes that don't exist, that is fraud and very illegal activity. Association with known criminals like the weather underground, who are domestic terrorists is treason, and very illegal activity! Appointing people that are admitted socialists is unconstitutional too, and since The Commander and Chief took an oath to uphold the constitution I call that fraud, which again is an illegal activity!
We need to elect representatives in November that are passionate to uphold the constitution, one Nation under God, with liberty and justice for all, and will stand with us to cause a majority vote to IMPEACH OBAMA!! TEA PARTY ON